A precautionary tale: My story

A precautionary tale: My story

 11th Sep 2020 |  Blog |  Rich Wrong

I'd just flown in to Delhi airport on the 30th January and had seen people arriving from Asia queuing to get into the immigration area. I'd heard about COVID a few days before, but hadn't seen any evidence of it's impact until then. At the time it was very much explained as being an issue coming from China. I took the photo because my impression was that if the group of people queing didn't have it beforehand then they would have got it from standing in queues for an hour with people that did.

I noticed that a large number of the people already had masks on - but it made me think... I had no idea where to even get one from.

Towards the end of my trip I'd gone to a spiritual festival with 250,000 attendees - something that seems impossible now. I'd made some good friends on the trip though was ready to come home.

Unfortunately I suspect that on my travels back I got COVID. I'm not sure if it was the woman sat next to me on the flight who coughed the whole way back or somewhere else, but 2 weeks later I was feeling ill and self-isolated.

Over the following 6 months I've learned a lot about myself and life, but I'm still not recovered and I can't see that happening anytime soon.

So I've turned my attention towards prevention. Towards understanding what this illness is. Towards helping people stay safe so they don't have to go through it too.


Real Snake Skin Face Mask

Real Snake Skin Face Mask

I can't tell if this is real or not, but apparently a man was seen on a bus travelling from Swinton to Manchester wearing a snake around his face and . . . neck as a mask. Apparently he'd wrapped it around his face like a mask before getting on the bus. Though once he'd sat down he allowed it to crawl along the hand rails. The transport company responsible for the bus was quoted as saying "The safety of our customers and employees is our absolute priority. We are shocked at these reports and are taking them very seriously". Clearly it's not going to provide any practical protection from spreading virus, though undoubtedly would encourage social distancing from fellow passengers!
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